Wondermed (Current)
Director of Engineering
At-home Ketamine Therapy
A Multi-User Dungeon Game
Customer Database and Scheduling Application
Job site aggregator
Providing Employees control of their snacks!
Connecting employers with prisoners
Analysis of saltiness of Hacker News Comments
Twitter based mobile game for entertainment
Thi is a short list of articles, videos, and other items I've made that I'm proud of
The product managers new best friend
Exploring the product pitch canvas and how it forces divergent thinking to ensure products are well thought through.
Lessons for Founders
From the perspective of the first employee.
Fundamental Design Questions for Virtual Reality Experiences
If you've experienced Virtual Reality, then you know that VR is a very different domain than any other medium that we've created before.
When is your startup dead?
The summer of last year is when I had to finally accept that my startup that I had worked on for the past 2 years was finally dead. $0.00 in revenue after 2 years, no significant user base, and no...
This is a short list of resources that have made an impact on my thinking and psychology as a person.
If you're looking to work on a project, or inquiring about previous work I've done, do not hesitate to reach out. I do my best to respond to all emails within 24 hours.